Sunday, October 07, 2007

The 30th Anniversary Ball for the JST

The JST recently held an event to celebrate 30 years of the Jubilee Sailing Trust. I was invited to attend with the ship's cook, a very good friend of mine called Graham.

So, this is us ready to go:

And a fab time was had by all!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

My new girlie shoes

I know these aren't my usual type of footwear, but hey!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Track Chart for the last trip - (TNS205)

Tenacious during the Tall Ships Race

This was filmed by a Sky News reporter during the Tall Ships Race 2005.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Golden Wedding

'Twas the 50th Anniversary of my parents' wedding, so the whole family gathered together to celebrate.

It was a really lovely time.

And Sis - If you find this - then email me! Ta muchly...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Jubilee Sailing Trust: Sponsored Mast Climb

The Jubilee Sailing Trust are holding a Sponsored Mast Climb in West India Dock in London on the 23rd of September 2007.
The above is a view from part of the way up, so the view from the very top seems a little higher than this!

If you would be interested in taking part in this event, then please email me for more details and I can forward the relevant forms.

Each climber must raise a minimum of £250, and the climber which raises the most money can win a free trip on the ship!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Pictures of me

My chum at the sailing charity has just sent me my volunteer polo shirt and badge. And she enclosed a picshure wot she drawed.

I'll let you pass your own judgement.

I hope that isn't my hair. (Nice to have skinny legs for a change though!)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sat on their park bench like book ends

Some people you have known almost for ever. Way back when you were the back two desks of second violins in a youth orchestra.

And you don't speak to for years on end, but when you do; it's just like yesterday.

So, Andy - hopefully you've found this in order to email me. It was really nice to start catching up. I've not been aware of missing you, but when I speak to you again I realise that I have.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Transatlantic

Well, I've booked it.

And now I look it seems like a REALLY long way!

(Thanks to Google Earth for showing me just how far it is.)

So, if anyone needs me next April I'll have run away to sea...

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Voyage on Tenacious

We went, we sailed, we got wet and cold, and we absolutely loved it!

Thanks to everyone on the Forward Port watch - you made it so easy for me.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Feed me 'til I want no more!

We've had a dreadful six-nations championship. Right up until today, and even then we tried very hard to give it back to England for a while.

But we WON! 27-18 will go down in history at home. We do love a bit of a win and especially against the old enemy....

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Dydd Dewi Sant

Happy St David's Day!
You can find more information about St David here.